As I unveil both what our People would like to see & what I can humanly manage with time, I have not posted my Hours for a specific reason though they've been consistent.
It's basically Just Me, until I/We/You can afford for me to hire other friends to
Help Spread Some Luv in Stockbridge & Beyond!!
& So, it will take Time for You to come to know what I have to Offer YOU on the various Days of Business.
I try my hardest to keep YOU informed with this Blog & with Facebook. I am trying to take pictures so that you can see the Food I am Baking with, Preparing & even Buying & even what Our Music is All About.
I'm trying something new in this tiny little place that has traditionally been known to be a Diner. I love Diners, by the way! However, I have a strong & thriving passion for Baking! So I am trying to offer our community something we don't
It also presents a new aspect of "buying local"
Stony Brook Road itself, has atleast three Grower Families trying to offer Everyone some Homegrown Goodness ranging from Garlic to Eggs!
Wouldn't it be Wonderful to also be able to buy much of our needed produce from these Friends? Where we knew how the food was grown? How it was lovingly taken care of? & Also, how we could help Support them Making a Living doing something Worthwhile for both themselves & for us?
What if by next Summer, Stockbridge had its Very Own Farmer's Market?
Think of the gas you'd save. Think of how great you would feel by eating something so Local to your own home.
So My Hours of Business Through Foliage:
Wednesday: Breakfast 8am-11:30am & Pizza Night- 4pm-8pm Good for Take Out Too!
Thursday: Breakfast: 8am-11:30am Thru Foliage: Open till 1pm for Light Lunch
Friday: Dinner & Pizza 5pm-9pm, Pizza Slices & Music with Rick Redington ala Luv till 10pm
Saturday: Breakfast & Light Lunch 9am-2pm
Sunday: Cigar Box Brunch thru Foliage 11am-2pm Music noon-2pm
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